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Course title

"Literature and cultural history from the 16th-18th century"

"Modern Greek literature from the 19th-21st century"

Course type

Lecture / seminar / project seminar etc.


Institute of Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures, Modern Greek Studies

LecturersLecturers from the course of study
No. of students15 (per course)


  • Achieving a homogeneous knowledge level
    • Regarding the litertaure literature knowledge as well as methods skills the students' group displayed a high level of heterogenityheterogeneity. Through the course modern greek Greek literary history and the implementation of the wiki this heterogenity heterogeneity is supposed to be offset to a large extent.  
  • Research learning, practicing working academically
    • As the master's study course Modern Greek Studies is a research-oriented course, the studnets students are already supposed to learn at a bachelor's level how to develop research questions, start discussions and participate in these as well as orientating themselves towards a scientific discourse. Especially in literary studies electronic sources play an important part as students thereby have access to materials that in the past were hard to access. That is why it is important that students learn how they can find all of the relevant sources (electronic libraries on a global basis, institutes, texts, images etc.) and importantly, how they can use these and can integrate them into their research.  
  • A more flexible seminar syllabus
    • The flexible selectable and combinable units also serve as a teaching material pool on the topic of literary history that the lecturers can combine and use for their seminars as needed. 

In the wiki environment an open literary history is created in which the meaning clusters can be implemented in various different didactic contexts. The everchanging ever-changing combination and selection of these learning units provide the lecturers – lecturers – depending on the topic, question posed and seminar type – type – with the possibility of applying the material in a differentiated manner.   


  • Open read serves as a reader for literary facts and currently consists of over 150 articles on modern Greek literary history between the years 1669-2000. The articles in the open reader help to get a better glimpse into special aspects of literary history. The authors are trying not to create a canon and to allow the readers of the wiki to choose their own freely chosen path through the literary history via hyperlinks.  
  • Open search can be used for a targetted targeted search. The articles in the open reader are neither chronological nor sorted according to people. The search registers within the open search (date, author, publication) serve as a gateway to nonlinear reading and allow the reader to go down his/her own reading path via navigation points and links within the text. Thereby, for example, the search for an author results in a number of articles on various aspect of his/her work; an all-comprehensive article on the author's works is not available.    
  • Open learn collects the seminar-specific syllabi that the lecturers have compiled in which the texts are selected, combined and categorized based on the focus of the session or meeting. 
  • Open write is the area in which the students practice working academically with the use of texts on literary history (writing, peer reviewing). The students also have the possibility of writing articles for the Greece portal of Wikipedia. Several term papers that use this type of blueprint were scrutinzed scrutinized by students in a peer review process. Publishing these on Wikipedia is the next step.
  • Open teach offers the lecturers an additional collection of primary texts, research literature (bibliography) and multimedia material as well as links to external electronic sources (text and multimedia) in folders containing 151 authors of modern Greek literary history.  
