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The time leading up to tests, exams, and the end of your study program is generally a stressful one. It isn’t always possible to be happy with how things are going during these times. All too often, you feel pressed for time and exhausted. The things in life that could help you take care of yourself end up falling by the wayside.

With a little planning, creativity, and self-care, even these phases of your studies can be a positive experience, especially if you also manage to use the time to build good routines and study habits and focus on goals as you go about your work. This also guarantees that you will have time for friends, physical activity, and hobbies.

To make this possible, remember to conserve your resources. Be sure you aren’t just draining your energy, but replenishing it as well and boosting your motivation for your studies.

  • Be sure to use your energy in line with your wishes, goals, and plans.
    To do this, you need to observe your study habits and make adjustments where necessary. You will also learn in the process what kinds of characteristics help you harness your energy efficiently and in keeping with your needs and whether you have them.
  • Make sure you stay fit even at your desk.
    This section contains information and instructions on how you can relax during breaks in your work and what you can do if you feel completely drained of energy.
  • Appreciate yourself and your ideas.
    To keep up your interest and enjoyment of what you are studying, you should be sure to jot down ideas that come to you beyond the material you are studying at the time, even when you are preparing for exams or writing your thesis.

Take time to appreciate what you have achieved. Don’t just make lists of work you have to do, but also what you’ve already accomplished. This will help boost your motivation and confidence.


Stress and Meditation


Writer's Block



titleWhere can I find help and support?

The Workshops and advising Counseling section presents points of contact where you can turn to whenever you want personal advice and support, along with our workshop program, which can help you tackle specific issues.
