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Welcome on the Wiki pages of the Bioanalytic Unit "Biolab" of the Research


Building SupraFAB, Freie Universität Berlin. The Biolab is situated Altensteinstr. 23a. The multi-user labs can be used by scientists and students of the department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy and the Physics Department as well as guests. The labs are equipped for a broad range of methods and techniques in the field of protein biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and microscopy. The Biolab Wiki provides information about available instrumentation & techniques, instrument booking via OpenIRIS as well as biolab organization including data handling, cell line, virus and bacterial strain collection, lab access and safety regulations. For individual support in biology related issues please contact the Biolab team


More information about SupraFAB you can find on the SupraFAB homepage and the SupraFAB.

and follow the instruction on the info page How-to-Start Biolab.

Our fundamental approach: Research works better when knowledge and equipment are shared!

If you wish to hand in samples for characterization, you can do this via our material/compound testing request form in OpenIris (for OpenIris registration see protocol Using OpenIris). Please note, that characterization of compounds/materials is costly, the request also includes the obligation of coverage of the costs for the measurements (from 50€ per sample, organism and type of assay).

More information about SupraFAB you can find on the SupraFAB Wiki.

More information about theOptical Microscopy (OM) Unit and access to it you find in the OM Wiki and ob the BioSupraMol OM Unit page.


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If you still see no content (even if logged in) provide your zedat account name afterwards to Katharina Achazi (or Stefanie Wedepohl or Marta Maglione) and ask for access to the Biolab wiki


If you see no content, please provide your zedat account name to Katharina Achazi

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Before YOU start work in the SupraFAB Biolab, Optical Microscopy (OM)/Microfluidics (MF) labs, you have to get introduced by the Biolab Team to the lab safety rules and routines and you have to complete some administrative tasks.

This includes the following steps:

  • Oral safety instruction for the Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (obligatory once a year) by the on-site “Projektleitung”of the genetic engineering facility 92/14 documented by signature

  • Providing the Questionnaire for Occupational Health Careto the on-site “Projektleitung” of the genetic engineering facility 92/14
    Any mandatory medical check-up indicated by the questionnaire must be carried out at the FUB's Occupational Health Center prior to starting work and confirmed by a certificate indicating the date for the follow-up check-up.
  • Becoming familiar with the

    1. Operating instructions of the Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 incl. the current Annex 2 Part A Il GenTSV,

    2. the Emergency Guide,

    3. the Hygiene and Skin Protection Guidelines,

    4. the SupraFAB House Rules as well as

    5. further BAs for devices, hazardous substances or working procedures

  • Providing your zedat account name to Katharina Achazi to get access to the data storage servers, the biolab wiki, the instrument booking system OpenIRIS and getting included in the biolab/OM mailing lists; in case you have no, apply at the zedat, you can join the biolab whatsapp group for fast exchange of information:
  • Applying for access and a transponder by providing the filled and signed transponder form to Achim Wiedekind (office 102) or Katharina Tebel (office 103) —> please indicate, if you need access out of the normal working hours (Mo-Fri: 7am-7pm), let approve by your professor/head of research group and note that working alone is forbidden and you always have to have a second person working with you
  • Practical training and introduction by the Biolab Team based on the biolab agreement
  • In case you want to bring viruses, bacteria, cell lines or human material (including blood, serum, plasma, mucus or tissue) as well as reagents, assays, kits, antibodies or other substances to the biolab, register them in the wiki, provide the relevant safety information and make sure you are allowed to handle them in the biolab and you obey the relevant safety procedures. Hazardous subszatnces must be also registers in chemical data base of FUB the CLAKS.

    For data storage we have the zellbio-useres network drive, is it not allowed to connect USB drives to instruments in h ebiolab or OM/MF
