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Course title"Basics of external corporate accounting"
Course typeSupplement to the lecture and seminar
Department/InstituteBusiness and Economics, FACTS Department 
Degree program

Business Studies, Bachelor

Economics, Bachelor

LecturerProf. Dr. Klaus Ruhnke
No. of participantsCa. 550
PhaseDuring the entire semester
DurationOne semester


  • Blackboard tests


At the start we first had to get acquainted with and learn how to use the learning management system Blackboard. For this, amongst other things, we participated in the CeDiS training course Blackboard for advanced users: Tests and surveys. Then we jointly selected suitable question types and we developed individual homework tasks for specific topic areas. For this a test account and a test course were set up in Blackboard. Thereby it was possible to develop the tests without any interference from the outside and to test these beforehand in a realistic setting with an own account using the viewpoint of a course participant. With the help of the export-import function the homework tasks that were developed in the test course were then transferred to the module-accompanying Blackboard course. There they were made available to the course participants on a successive basis. Activating the respective units that need to be worked on oriented itself on the contents being taught in the seminar. This occured occurred after the last content-related course of a certain week had taken place. If there were technical problems or questions and criticism related to the problems being posed, then the students were able to contact the supervising teaching assistant at any time via e-mail.


Illustration 7: Feedback for a correct answer

The opinion of the studnets students is important to us as only with their feedback can we improve the existing questions and tasks. At the end of the semester our course participants are provided with an anonymous online evaluation (tool: Blackboard survey). We receive positive feedback especially when it comes to the comprehensive feedback as well as solution suggestions provided in the evaluation stage. We also take into consideration the improvement suggestions that we receive.  
