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The are no special Courts to hear actions for damages caused by infringements of articles 101 and/or 103 TFEU or articles 1 and/or 2 of Law no. 3959/2011, but it is the Civil Courts that have jurisdiction thereof. The Civil Courts are competent to hear both disputes between private parties and actions for damages brought by private parties against State-controlled undertakings, when the latter do not conduct activities in the exercise of public authority.
The Magistrates' Courts consider claims for damages for amounts below 20.000 Euros. The single-member Court of First Instance consider claims for damages for amounts of between 20.000 and  250.000 Euros. For claims for damages for amounts in excess 250,000 Euros the competent court is the multimember Court of First Instance.

Publikationsvermerk Autoren: Eva Garmpi  Stand der Bearbeitung:
titlePublication Notice
Responsible: Freie Universität Berlin, by its President
Author: Eva Garmpi
Stage of work: completed (16.04.2012)