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Our current meetings can be found here: 2020 Community Meetings

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Organisational Meeting: August 8th

When: 5-7pm,

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

Attending: Christina, Mathilde, Dirk

Moderation and Minutes: Mathilde

Necessary item: wine

Agenda Items Ideas

  • Settle the slot for organisational meetings: approx every first Thursday evening of each month? cf the doodle 5-7pm?
    • Agreed!
  • Website for OSWG: a basic version is online, please check it out so we can decide together
    • (1) what urgently needs fixing, and
    • (2) how to further improve it into a more definite version
    • Look at model website: LMU Open-Access-Website - we will lean on that
    • Model website TU Delft
    • Have more actual people.
    • We want to present Open Science projects at FU: let's collect our projects in this wiki, and Claudia's team puts it into the CMS website. Claudia sets up a template.
    • We will set up an automatic copy from the Open Access calendar
    • Additional content can be sent directly to Claudia's student assistant Phil (Claudia has to check in with them first)
    • We are not creating a logo right
  • Next event(s):
    • What are the goals of the group:
      • talk about OS,
      • raising awareness for OS,
      • bringing together people who do OS at FU & community building,
      • promoting existing projects
      • providing a think tank for open science infrastructures (that are not yet in place, but are being planned, and will become bigger with the Berlin University Alliance)
    • Mathilde and her team are planning an event to launch a collaborative interdisciplinary "researcher-entrepreneur" project in September. She proposes to co-host  it with the OSWG

July 4th: Public Event

> July 4th 2019 | Practices of Open Science and Open Scholarship

June 6th: Public Event

> June 6th 2019 | Interdisciplinary perspectives on open research

May 2nd, 4-6pm, University Library, room 184 (1st floor)

Attending: Christina, Mathilde, Cosima, Dirk

Moderation and Minutes: Dirk

  1. Meeting purposes: content (events) vs. organization (meetings)
    1. No clear agreement 
  2. Future meeting dates: regular vs. unstructured
    1. First Xday a month 4 pm at library (Doodle Mathilde) for organizational meetings
  3. Denomination of the whole endeavour: open science vs. open research
    1. Discussion postponed to June 6th 2019
  4. Event  June 6: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science Update
  5. Event  July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows Update
  6.  Website content
    1. Wikifrontpage via Mathilde to Claudia to student to CMS
  7. Miscelleaneous

Meeting Notes April 11

Attending: Johannes Hercher, Sibylle Söring, Cosima Wagner, Dirk Ostwald, Alexander von Lautz, Mathilde Noual, Christina Riesenweber

Minutes: Christina

Event Planning

June 6: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science

  • in charge of planning this event: Dirk Ostwald
  • expected time frame: 4-6 pm
  • Expected audience: 20-40 people
  • Finding a room: Christina Riesenweber is in charge
  • check in with Claudia about availabilty - Mathilde Noual
  • 4 speakers (Dirk invites them) focusing on opinions on Open Science (focusing on FU people), "What does Open Science mean for you?"
    • Dirk
    • someone of Mathilde's group
    • someone with a humanities background
    • somenone with an infrastructure/library background
  • plan: short talks + discussion
  • moderator: Christina
  • invite VP Mühlhahn, Brandtner for opening remarks
  • funding (Christina asks at UB, ERG)

Wiki page for this event: June 6th 2019 | Interdisciplinary perspectives on open research

July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows

  • in charge: Christina
  • find out if wikimedia people have time
  • invite all current and alumnni
  • find room
  • inform Agnieszka

Wiki page for this event: July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows


  • website should be up by June 6 - Mathilde aks Claudia what the state is, we would like Claudia to be in charge, we're happy to help
  • wiki access

Future Plans

  • Let's have a more skill oriented workshop, where people actually learn a skill related to open science
    • upload data to a repository
    • hacky hour: ask an IT experts
  • Strategic Meeting
    • we should discuss our views on Open Science
    • more than just sitting in a room
    • more workshop like
    • finding out what the FU needs and what we want
    • community building

Next Meeting, May 2nd

  • Cosima gets a room at UB
  • Dirk is in charge of reminder & moderation

Meeting Notes February 25

Attending: Cosima Wagner, Sibylle Söring, Martin Lee, Mathilde Noual, Dirk Ostwald, Christina Riesenweber


  •  Website (for outside people) - clmb asks for the domain -
  •  Wiki (for actual work) - clmb creates the wik, Christina sets it up
  •  Mailing list - Dirk is joining in as moderator
  •  contact external groups, like HU Open Science Group
  •  Make a Doodle for all Thursdays May/June/July for event
  •  Make a Doodle for all Thursdays March/April for meetings CR

Core findings

  • Let’s live up to our name of “Freie Universität”.

Group Scope

  • members
  • community
  • we want all people, including from Verwaltung
  • right now we only invite informally
  • after that we make a formal announcements (once we have the website)
  • FU-only: you need at least a ZEDAT account to join in
  • all current members should actively recruit

Group Aims


  • Talk about what are good “Ermöglichungsstrukturen” - what do we need as researchers?
  • facilitating Open Science at FU
  • Include Open Science at top level (president)
  • integrate Open Science into Berufungsverfahren
  • aim to go into policy making
  • lobbying for Open Science (e.g. with the Akademischer Senat)
  • we are a group of experts
  • we are a Think Tank Open Science
  • Talks, Events, Fortbildungen
  • collecting all the people at the FU who are interested in Open Science
  • educating everyone at FU about Open Science
  • use the window of opportunity with EU-level Open Science movement
  • OS as technology vs. OS as a mindset
  • changing mindsets takes time
  • bring together people who are already doing Open Science
  • collect all the projects that do Open Science
  • break up departmental structures
  • We need to offer people something (if we want them to contribute)
  • transparency
  • change the institutional practice (based on our individual practice)
  • Freie Postdocs Berlin as an example, Science outside of Papers - possible collaboration? - pocket societies
  • find other initiatives with similar
  • contact to external groups, like HU Open Science Group
  • focus energy and people
  • educate
  • make visible the existing practice
  • facilitate


  • Website (for outside people) - clmb asks for the domain -
  • Wiki (for actual work) - clmb creates the wiki
  • Mailing list - Dirk is joining in as moderator

Event Ideas

  • Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science
    • members of the OSWG presents their view on Open Science
    • 10-15 minutes talks x 3 + general discussion with audience
    • introducing the group
    • use the event to clarify our aims and views on Open Science
    • What’s in it for the audience?
    • Is this interesting enough for researchers?
    • Frame: 4 pm at Seminarzentrum
  • Sibylle`s idea
    • establish the topic and the group
    • offer expertise
    • talk to an Open Sciencist
    • forum for others to show their projects
  • Mathilde’s idea
    • create discussions
    • co-organize existing disciplinary stuff
    • get the people who are doing some kind of open science
    • add to existing communitiies & events
  • Invite established Open Science speakers
    • get someone who has done something we are planning to do
    • infrastructure vs researcher
  • Model “Digital Humanities im Gespräch”
    • having a series of small-ish events is easy to organize and gets a diverse in the long run
  • Discuss an Open Science Utopia
    • other formats, more workshop
  • Open Formats
    • Open Space
    • Barcamp
    • World Café
