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Very specialized master's programs usually have the challenge of having only a very few experts at one location that can cover the entire thematic spectrum of the specialized field. One solution can be the implementation of video conference systems. In the following example three universities contribute weightwise weight-wise with different content offers to this master's program, the Master in Survey Statistics. The implementation of the video conference system serves to enable cross-site seminars and lectures. 

The courses are provided alternately by the three different locations. Every videoconference session is managed by one of the locations; the responsible lecturer as a rule usually holds a lecture and moderates the discussion. The students that are located at the respective other location follow the event within the video conference room of the own university. They have the possibility of participating in the discussion and asking questions. 


  • TabletPC with pdf annotation software allows the lecturer to annotate one's own presentation during the lecture.
  • Virtual network computing system (VNC) with whose help the lecturer allows the other presenters at the other locations to access his/her presentation slides in order to add notes and highligtshighlights.
  • Video conference system (at the Freie Universität Berlin: the video conference system LifeSize in the Henry Ford building) for the transmission and recording at the respective locations.
  • LMS (in Berlin: Blackboard) for the lecture materials, including recordings of the video conferences. 


In the summer semester a face-to-face block seminar will be on offer in Bamberg. 


Illustration 1: Videoconference Video conference (gallery)

Setting up the video conference: The video conference is started by selecting the preprepared pre-prepared conference. Necessary for this is that the Multi Control Unit (MCU) in Trier is activated. Via the "remote control" the transmitting location switches its screen to the "control channel". The local microphones are activated so that one feels acoustically as if everyone is in one room. Sadly this requires a high level of quality with regard to the microphones and the students have to speak with a powerful voice in order to be understood at the other locations. This sometimes causes problems. By using another button of the remote control one can activate the recording of the content channel, the audio channel as well as the (scaled down) video images of the lecture halls. This feature, though, is only available at the FU. There are, however, also reservations by a few of the lectures against these recordings (decrease in the participants' face-to-face involvement). The students on the other hand welcome strongly this additional possibility. Especially when using statistics software, the documentation of the user screens and their operations is very helpful.      

Student participation during the video conference: Without directly addressing the students  direkte Ansprache tendieren die Studierenden dazu, die Konferenzpräsentation wie eine Fernsehsendung zu konsumieren. Es ist absolut notwendig, die Studierenden an den dazu geschalteten Orten direkt anzusprechen. Da die Videokamera in der Regel auf den gesamten Vorlesungsraum ausgerichtet ist, sind die Studierenden relativ klein auf dem Bildschirm der zugeschalteten Teilnehmer/innen. Dies kann zwar über eine variable Fokussierung und Ausrichtung der Videokamera geändert werden, jedoch wird diese Möglichkeit fast nur von Dozenten genutzt.

Course formats: Veranstaltungsformen: Mit den Videokonferenzen werden nicht nur die Vorlesungen abgedeckt. Häufig bestehen bei diesen Veranstaltungen auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau die Prüfungen aus der Präsentation eines Posters. Diese Prüfungsform wird ebenfalls über die Videokonferenz realisiert. Prinzipiell ist es möglich, über die Videokonferenz Referate der Studierenden zu realisieren. Referate sind im Rahmen des Survey Masters jedoch nicht verankert. Das Seminar ist bewusst als ein gemeinsames Blockseminar angelegt, damit sich die Studierenden auch persönlich kennenlernen. Dieses Angebot wird auch dankbar angenommen, wobei Berlin von einer gewissen touristischen Attraktivität profitiert. Allerdings klagen die Teilnehmer/innen aus Trier über die lange Anfahrt, während die Zugfahrt zwischen Bamberg und Berlin problemlos akzeptiert wird.

LMS usage:  Lernplattform: Jede Universität nutzt ihre eigene Lernplattform. Da die Lehrveranstaltungen ein fester Bestandteil der lokalen Universität sind, werden die Materialien auf der jeweiligen lokalen Lernplattform eingepflegt. Es gibt also keine gemeinsame Lernplattform für alle Teilnehmer/innen, sondern die Teilnehmer/innen müssen sich in jeweils zwei weiteren Lernplattformen einschreiben. Dies ist etwas lästig, aber doch effizienter als die Wartung einer weiteren projekteigenen Lernplattform. Auf der Lernplattform finden die Studierenden die Vorlesungsfolien, Übungsblätter, ergänzende Texte sowie die Links auf die Videoaufzeichnungen. Obwohl technisch möglich, werden Vorlesungsforen von den Studierenden kaum genutzt. In den Zeiten von Facebook entstehen solche Kontakte meist von selbst, sobald das Bedürfnis dazu da ist. Bequem für den Dozenten ist die Möglichkeit, alle Studierenden per E-Mail zu erreichen.

Erfahrungen der Lehrenden

Die Studierenden nutzen ausschließlich die eigene Lernplattform, so dass der Austausch mit den anderen Standorten erschwert ist.

Es ist leider nicht immer gelungen, die Studierenden, die die Veranstaltung über die Videokonferenz verfolgten, aktiv einzubeziehen. Denkbar wäre hier zum Beispiel das Stellen von Anwendungsaufgaben nach einem kurzen Input-Vortrag, die von den verschiedenen Standorten gelöst und anschließend gemeinsam diskutiert werden können.

If one does not directly address the students, then the students tend to consume the conference presentation as if it were a TV show. It is absolutely necessary to directly address the students who are present at the other participating locations. As the video camera, as a rule, is set up so that the entire lecture hall is shown, the students are relatively small on the screens of the participants. This can be changed by changing the variable focus and the direction the video camera is pointed; however, this possibility is basically only used by the lecturers. 

Course formats: Not only the lectures are covered with the video conferences. Often during these courses that are at an advanced level the exams are made up of the presentation of a poster. This exam format is also realized via the video conference. Principally it is possible to realize student presentations using the video conference system. Presentations, however, are not a part of the Survey Masters. The seminar has consciously been designed as a mutual block seminar so that the students can get to know each other personally. This offer is also gratefully taken up whereby Berlin definitely profits due to its touristic attractivity. However, the participants from Trier do complain about the long journey whereas the train journey between Bamberg and Berlin is accepted without a problem.   

LMS usage: Every university uses its own LMS. As the courses are an integral component of the local university, the materials are uploaded on the respective local LMS. Therefore there is no joint LMS for all participants. The participants actually have to register in two other LMS. This is a bit annoying but more efficient than actually maintaining an own separate LMS for the project. In the LMS the students can find the lecture slides, exercise sheets, supplementary texts as well as links to the video recordings. Even though it is technically possible, the lecture forums are barely used by the students. In the age of Facebook such contacts usually come about on their own once the need arises. Very comfortable for the lecturers is that all students can be easily reached via e-mail.  

Experiences made by the lecturer

The students exclusively use their own LMS so that the exchange with the other locations is made a lot more difficult. 

What wasn't successful all the time was actively engaging the students that were following the course via the video conference. What one could do here is, for example, to create application tasks after a short input that should be solved by the various different locations and, afterwards, these can be jointly discussed. 

The concept profited through technical support for the video conference system that was available on-site (in the Henry Ford building at the Freie Universität Berlin) and a student assistant for the supportDas Konzept profitierte von einer technischen Unterstützung vor Ort für das Videokonferenzsystem (im Henry-Ford-Bau der Freien Universität Berlin vorhanden) und einer studentischen Hilfskraft für die Begleitung.

Further information

Support offered by CeDiS
