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A weblog weblog, short blog, is a website that contains new and chronologically sorted articles in a periodic manner. The blog serves as an exchange of information, thoughts and experiences made and is in so far closely related to an internet forum. Blogs were originally mainly used as private online diaries. In the meantime, there are also many blogs managed by publishers, companies and organizations. In the academic sphere blogs are being used more and more as seminar and course support tools. 

The Freie Universität Berlin provides on the one hand a central blog system that is operated with the software WordPress. Further information on the FU blogs can be found in this article. 

On the other hand there is the possibility of setting up blogs within the LMS Blackboard. Further information on Blackboard blogs can be found here.

The FU blogs are available to all members of the university. In order to register you only need your FU account. CeDiS offers two blog systems that one can use. In addition to the official blogs (for lecturers and employees of the university), the user blogs are also available, especially for students. These user blogs have an inofficial unofficial character and can be used within this context by students as well as lecturers and employees of the university.
