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For Training please contact:

Notes: Cantilever for basic measurements are provided by NanoFAB.

Setup History

  • 2016: Purchased with cAFM and Kalvin Probe module.
  • 2022: Relocated to SupraFAB

Official Documents and Operation

Quick Operation Guide

  • Download Document (PDF) (Word)
    • Device Handling

    • Contact Mode

    • AC (Intermittent) Mode

    • Conductive AFM
    • Liquid AFM
  • Download Summary of Steps (PDF) (Word)

Tips for Cantilever

    • AC Mode (AIR):
      •  BudgetSensors Tap300: -G (uncoated), Al-G (aluminium coated), GD-G or GB-G (gold coated)
        • they are quite good standard tips (tip radius <10nm). Choose gold coated for liquid-AFM.
        • 10 pcs / ~200 €
      • Nanosensors PPP-NCx (Point Probe Plus - Non-Contact), NCH (higher frequency), NCL (lower frequency), NCR (aluminium coated), NCAuD (gold coated)
        • Slightly better in performance, but also more expensive.
        • 10 pcs / ~330 €
    • AC Mode (LIQUID):
      • BudgetSensors Multi75GD-G or Multi75GB-G (both gold coated)
        • Recommended for basic liquid-AFM using AC mode.
        • 10 pcs / ~260 €
    • Contact Mode:
      • AIR: BudgetSensors Contact-G (uncoated) or ContAl-G (aluminium coated) 10 pcs / ~200 €
      • LIQUID: BudgetSensors ContGD-G (gold coated) 10 pcs / ~260 €
      • Conductive-AFM:
        • PPP-ContPt (Nanosensors) orContPt (NanoWorld) 10 pcs / ~420-460 €
        • ElektriCont-G (BudgetSensors) 10 pcs / ~240 €


GwyddionFreeware to process recorded SPM data. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac.
WSxMSoftware to process recorded AFM data. Free for non-commercial usage. Windows only.
JPK SPM ProcessingOfficial JPK Software (v. 6.0.65) for processing your data. Windows only<ask cleanroom management>
