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Our current meetings can be found here: 2020 Community Meetings

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Next Organisational Meeting: September 5th, 5-7pm

When: 5-7pm,

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)


Moderation and Minutes: Agnieszka and Joachim

Agenda Ideas

  • Plan September event (Mathilde)
  • Plan for Open Access Week: Open Hardware Workshop am 22. October
  • Plan November event (Dirk)
  • Plan December event (tba)
  • OSWG Mission Statement - draft by Johannes
  • The DFG has published new guidelines for Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis - can we use those for promoting Open Science?

OSWG Mission Statement (Draft)

co-creating open practices at Freie Universität Berlin

We believe in accessible knowledge as key for collaboration and cultural progress. While connecting communities of practice beyond organizational barriers, we allow an regular discourse of excellence about the frames that foster access, reuse, and transparency of scientific output. It is our mission to explore the foundations of Open Science at FU Berlin - and to advocate them towards the university's administration.

Therefore we:

  • Connect all people interested in Open Science at Freie Universität, by organizing Talks, Events, and Workshops.
  • Take an active part in the dialog on Open Science, by joining local and international events.
  • Gather best practices that make future policies sustainable, by building up an interactive body of helpful tools and guidelines.

Organisational Meeting: August 8th

When: 5-7pm,

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

Attending: Christina, Mathilde, Dirk, Johannes, Nikolas, Ben, Joachim, Claudia, Agnieszka, Theresa, Saloni

Moderation and Minutes: Mathilde


  • Settle the slot for organisational meetings: approx every first Thursday evening of each month? cf the doodle 5-7pm?
    • Agreed!
  • Website for OSWG: a basic version is online, please check it out so we can decide together
    • (1) what urgently needs fixing, and
    • (2) how to further improve it into a more definite version
    • Look at model website: LMU Open-Access-Website - we will lean on that
    • Model website TU Delft
    • Have more actual people.
    • We want to present Open Science projects at FU: let's collect our projects in this wiki, and Claudia's team puts it into the CMS website. Claudia sets up a template.
    • We will set up an automatic copy from the Open Access calendar
    • Additional content can be sent directly to Claudia's student assistant Phil (Claudia has to check in with them first)
    • We are not creating a logo right now
  • What are the goals of the group:
    • talk about OS,
    • raising awareness for OS,
    • bringing together people who do OS at FU & community building,
    • promoting existing projects
    • providing a think tank for open science infrastructures (that are not yet in place, but are being planned, and will become bigger with the Berlin University Alliance)
    • bottom-up initiative
    • getting the attention of the university management
    • Homework: use the group aims from April and formulate a draft - Johannes

Next event(s):

  • September MMM
    • Mathilde and her team are planning an event to launch a collaborative interdisciplinary "researcher-entrepreneur" project in September. She proposes to co-host  it with the OSWG
    • MMM - platform to organize ideas - a non-knowing tool
    • 26. September - "Utopias of doing science" - "Alternative ways to do science"
    • The group agrees - let's do it as an event of the FU-OSWG, Mathilde is in charge of planning
  • October: Open Access Week
  • November 7
    • Dirk is in charge of planning
    • "What's the Berlin University Alliance's strategy for Open Science?"
    • Dirk reaches out to QUEST
    • Claudia reaches out to university administration
    • Christina reaches out to the grant writing coordinator
  • December 5th: I hate Open Science (Discussion Event, possibly with Glühwein)
    • Decide if we hate Open Science (maybe save the discussion for another time)
    • Find solutions to not appear like uncompromising Open Science fanatics and scare people off with an overused term. (eg with a  pros/cons page on the website)
  • Next Steps for the Working Group
  • Results of Exzellenzstrategie (announced July 19)
  • Grant Writing: Current Activities at FU - let's talk about it at every meeting
  • Current Open Access controversy in Forschung & Lehre
  • What Brian Nosek's Excelsheet was really about - NSF Proposal: Network of Open Science Grassroots Networks
    • Let's do it! - Dirk did it. Awesome!
    • Our Mailing list will be taken off of the mailing list - It's blocked now.
    • Dirk signs up indivually on behalf of the group - He did.
    • Dirk lets us know how to register for the mailing list - He did. Great job!

Next Organisational Meeting is on September 5th

  • Christina reserves a room
  • Update on planned events
  • In charge: Joachim and Agnieszka

July 4th: Public Event

> July 4th 2019 | Practices of Open Science and Open Scholarship

June 6th: Public Event

> June 6th 2019 | Interdisciplinary perspectives on open research

May 2nd, 4-6pm, University Library, room 184 (1st floor)

Attending: Christina, Mathilde, Cosima, Dirk

Moderation and Minutes: Dirk

  1. Meeting purposes: content (events) vs. organization (meetings)
    1. No clear agreement 
  2. Future meeting dates: regular vs. unstructured
    1. First Xday a month 4 pm at library (Doodle Mathilde) for organizational meetings
  3. Denomination of the whole endeavour: open science vs. open research
    1. Discussion postponed to June 6th 2019
  4. Event  June 6: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science Update
  5. Event  July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows Update
  6.  Website content
    1. Wikifrontpage via Mathilde to Claudia to student to CMS
  7. Miscelleaneous

Meeting Notes April 11

Attending: Johannes Hercher, Sibylle Söring, Cosima Wagner, Dirk Ostwald, Alexander von Lautz, Mathilde Noual, Christina Riesenweber

Minutes: Christina

Event Planning

June 6: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science

  • in charge of planning this event: Dirk Ostwald
  • expected time frame: 4-6 pm
  • Expected audience: 20-40 people
  • Finding a room: Christina Riesenweber is in charge
  • check in with Claudia about availabilty - Mathilde Noual
  • 4 speakers (Dirk invites them) focusing on opinions on Open Science (focusing on FU people), "What does Open Science mean for you?"
    • Dirk
    • someone of Mathilde's group
    • someone with a humanities background
    • somenone with an infrastructure/library background
  • plan: short talks + discussion
  • moderator: Christina
  • invite VP Mühlhahn, Brandtner for opening remarks
  • funding (Christina asks at UB, ERG)

Wiki page for this event: June 6th 2019 | Interdisciplinary perspectives on open research

July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows

  • in charge: Christina
  • find out if wikimedia people have time
  • invite all current and alumnni
  • find room
  • inform Agnieszka

Wiki page for this event: July 4: FU & Wikimedia-Fellows


  • website should be up by June 6 - Mathilde aks Claudia what the state is, we would like Claudia to be in charge, we're happy to help
  • wiki access

Future Plans

  • Let's have a more skill oriented workshop, where people actually learn a skill related to open science
    • upload data to a repository
    • hacky hour: ask an IT experts
  • Strategic Meeting
    • we should discuss our views on Open Science
    • more than just sitting in a room
    • more workshop like
    • finding out what the FU needs and what we want
    • community building

Next Meeting, May 2nd

  • Cosima gets a room at UB
  • Dirk is in charge of reminder & moderation

Meeting Notes February 25

Attending: Cosima Wagner, Sibylle Söring, Martin Lee, Mathilde Noual, Dirk Ostwald, Christina Riesenweber


  •  Website (for outside people) - clmb asks for the domain -
  •  Wiki (for actual work) - clmb creates the wik, Christina sets it up
  •  Mailing list - Dirk is joining in as moderator
  •  contact external groups, like HU Open Science Group
  •  Make a Doodle for all Thursdays May/June/July for event
  •  Make a Doodle for all Thursdays March/April for meetings CR

Core findings

  • Let’s live up to our name of “Freie Universität”.

Group Scope

  • members
  • community
  • we want all people, including from Verwaltung
  • right now we only invite informally
  • after that we make a formal announcements (once we have the website)
  • FU-only: you need at least a ZEDAT account to join in
  • all current members should actively recruit

Group Aims


  • Talk about what are good “Ermöglichungsstrukturen” - what do we need as researchers?
  • facilitating Open Science at FU
  • Include Open Science at top level (president)
  • integrate Open Science into Berufungsverfahren
  • aim to go into policy making
  • lobbying for Open Science (e.g. with the Akademischer Senat)
  • we are a group of experts
  • we are a Think Tank Open Science
  • Talks, Events, Fortbildungen
  • collecting all the people at the FU who are interested in Open Science
  • educating everyone at FU about Open Science
  • use the window of opportunity with EU-level Open Science movement
  • OS as technology vs. OS as a mindset
  • changing mindsets takes time
  • bring together people who are already doing Open Science
  • collect all the projects that do Open Science
  • break up departmental structures
  • We need to offer people something (if we want them to contribute)
  • transparency
  • change the institutional practice (based on our individual practice)
  • Freie Postdocs Berlin as an example, Science outside of Papers - possible collaboration? - pocket societies
  • find other initiatives with similar
  • contact to external groups, like HU Open Science Group
  • focus energy and people
  • educate
  • make visible the existing practice
  • facilitate


  • Website (for outside people) - clmb asks for the domain -
  • Wiki (for actual work) - clmb creates the wiki
  • Mailing list - Dirk is joining in as moderator

Event Ideas

  • Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Open Science
    • members of the OSWG presents their view on Open Science
    • 10-15 minutes talks x 3 + general discussion with audience
    • introducing the group
    • use the event to clarify our aims and views on Open Science
    • What’s in it for the audience?
    • Is this interesting enough for researchers?
    • Frame: 4 pm at Seminarzentrum
  • Sibylle`s idea
    • establish the topic and the group
    • offer expertise
    • talk to an Open Sciencist
    • forum for others to show their projects
  • Mathilde’s idea
    • create discussions
    • co-organize existing disciplinary stuff
    • get the people who are doing some kind of open science
    • add to existing communitiies & events
  • Invite established Open Science speakers
    • get someone who has done something we are planning to do
    • infrastructure vs researcher
  • Model “Digital Humanities im Gespräch”
    • having a series of small-ish events is easy to organize and gets a diverse in the long run
  • Discuss an Open Science Utopia
    • other formats, more workshop
  • Open Formats
    • Open Space
    • Barcamp
    • World Café
