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Course title

Lecture "Labor law"

Department / InstituteLaw
Degree courseprogram

Mandatory law course

No. of participantsSeveral hundred
Phase4th semester
DurationThe course is offered on an annual basis


The videos were recorded using the so-called green screen technology. With this, the background and foreground can be easily edited or supplemented after the actual studio recording has taken place. Further information on the green screen studio at the Center for Digital Systems can be found here.

Ill. Illustration 1: e-lecture labour labor law design tools (Blackboard inclusion)

For the recordings two different cameras were used: In the sequences with the wide camera setting the green screen was replaced by slides with bullet points and graphics. In the closeup close-up settings of the lecturer these slides are out of focus in the background.

Ill. Illustration 2: e-lecture green screen (inclusion of slides and graphics)

The change between the distance and the close-up camera was successful on two levels: On the one hand, this makes it more lively livelier and, on the other hand, a sensible use of the two perspectives can be lead to a clear division of different sections of the lecture. Altogether 23 e-lectures were recorded.


From my point of view as an educator I find that the MOC concept as a whole was a success. The necessity of having to produce quite a number of lecture videos in a very short timespan time span was also for me personally an enrichment. During the video production stage I had more time to reflect on my own teaching methods. This is usually not doable in the course of everyday university teaching. As the pure knowledge dissemination took place in the form of lecture videos, I was able to design the face-to-face sessions in a much more interactive fashion. However, I'm not fully satisfied with the very important dovetailing of video-based knowledge transfer and face-to-face teaching. halfway Halfway through the seminar I had the feeling (in the face-to-face sessions) that only a part of the students had watched the lecture videos provided to them beforehand. This could be due to the fact, which I concede, that the video workload before certain individual face-to-face sessions was too high.  
