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Guidelines & Documents for Safe Lab Work & Instructions

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Recordings & Documents for SupraFAB Safety Instructions incl.

for SupraFAB Labs including

Genetic Engineering Facility 92/14 (S2)

Scientific Personal & Scientific Guests

To get access to the SupraFAB building and the labs, go to the info on the SupraFAB Homepage.

Safety briefing vidoes (for internal use only)Watch the videos below. Do not download but watch online as otheriwse errors can occur.Recording of the Biolab & OM Safety Instruction (version: Janury 2024):

Intro & Contactinformation

  1. Emergencies & Fire Saftey
  2. General Labsafety

  3. Cleanroom Safety

  4. Laser Safety
    Video Lasers

  5. Biosafety
    Video Sterile Bench

Slides to the Recording January 2024

  1. incl. Cleanroom (mandatory for everyone working in SupraFAB)

  2. Laser Safety (only mandatory, if you want to use laser devcies or lasers e.g. confocal/STED micrscope, MST, flow cytometers, ...)

  3. Biosafety (only mandatory, if you want to use the Biolabs incl. the Optical Microscopy area)

 External Companies

Technicians, service personal from external companies, non-scientific Personal 

→ need to be introduced to Katharina, Marta or Stefanie or another "Projektleitung Gentechnik" of the facilty 92/14 (signature and intro sheet in folder in office 111)

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Safety Intro External Companies
Safety Intro External Companies


not performing any experiments, work or servcie

→ need to be introduced to Katharina, Marta or Stefanie or another "Projektleitung Gentechnik" of the facilty 92/14 (signature and intro sheet in folder in office 111)

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Safety Intro Visitors
Safety Intro Visitors

Non-scientific Personal 

Additional to the introdcution, an official permission (Erlaubnis) is needed to work in the labs that can be downloaded here:


Only for visitors, that want to see the biolabs or the mcirscopy facilty and DO NOT perferm experimets or other works in the labs or microscopy rooms

  • Info sheet & signature list for visitors (en)
  • Slides for the instruction of visitors (en)
  • Info sheet & signature list for visitors (de)
  • Slides for the instruction of visitors (de)