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The proseminar "Planning, execution and evaluation of one-to-one tutorials" serves as a preparation, accompaniment and evaluation of the so-called "one-to-one tutorials". In this internship a student of the supplmentary supplementary study course course German as a Foreign Language teaches a foreign student on a weekly basis for one whole semester. A student tutorial accompanies the proseminar. The focus of the proseminar are the following topics: Processes of language acquisition surveys, tests and examinations, error analysis and error correction, exercise and task typologies, planning one's teaching and evaluation thereof as well as selecting and pedagocic pedagogic planning of texts and training material for the four basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.  

The accompanying seminar for the "one-to-one tutorial" is divided into five phases: the preparatory phase (2 months), the face-to-face phase I (3 block courses with 4 seminar sessions each), the phase of independent teaching (and working on tasks), the face-to-face phase II (3 seminar sessions in the second half of the semester) and the evaluation phase (final reflection and seminar discussions). The face-to-face meetings are undertaken as block sessions, the phases having to do with preparation and independent teaching are accompanied online with the support of the LMS Blackboard. 

The goal of the blended learning approach is to make the individual work organization easier with regard to the times before and between the face-to-face sessions. In addition, the moderated discussion forums allow for an exchnage exchange of thoughts and ideas with one's peers and to be able to discuss conceptual teaching drafts as well as experiences made during the internship, being able to reflect on these and creating mutual content. 


Course title"Planning, execution and evaluation of one-to-one tutorials"

Course type

Proseminar and internship

Department/InstitutePhilosophy and Humanities, Supplementary study couse course German as a Foreign Language
LecturerMaik Walter
No. of students (per course)approx. 12 (per course)


  • Intensive usage of the LMS Blackboard in all phases:
    • Content areas for the provision of material, student work examples, tools
    • Discussion platform for the exchange of teaching designs, for exchanging ideas regarding learning experiences, for collaborative work ideas and the reflection of experiences made whilst teaching
    • Weekly publication of teaching sketches (determining a concrete teaching goal, a short agenda plan and a reflection of the tried teaching experiment); Illustration 1 shows the structure of the diiscussion discussion forum (based on Walter 2008).
  • A detailed description of the blended learning scenario and the realization of such can be found
    Link in New Window
    linkTextWalter 2008
