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Course title

Informal participatory student project for online collaboration

Department / Institute


Degree courseprogram

The EnergyWiki is used within the framework of the "Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law", a one-year, English language, further education master program for business, competition and regulatory law, which uses the acronym MBL-FU, and which is offered as a single as well as double degree program. The students come from all over the world. 

LecturerLecturers are connected within the wiki in order to introduce the respective new students of the MBL-FU to the EnergyWiki, are available for questions and they also use it for preparatory or follow-up tasks.  
No. of participants30 - 40
PhaseThe wiki is used in the regulatory and energy-legal modules of the MBL-FU in the respective second semester of the degree course.  
DurationThe wiki is implemented in every academic study year of the MBL-FU. An active usage above and beyond the study year does not take place. We have no knowledge of a passive use of the wiki. 
