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Course title

"Human resources policyResources Policy"

Course type

Lecture and tutorial


Business Studies, Management 

Degree program

Business Studies, Bachelor, (plus elective module for various other subjects)


Prof. Dr. Markus Helfen

No. of participants

Caapprox. 540


During the entire semester


One semester


4 SWS / 6 CP


Preparation: The lecturers took part in, amongst others, the CeDiS training course "Blackboard for experts: Tests and surveys". Afterwards they mutually selected fitting question types that could be used and developed individual hommework tasks on certain set topic areas.
Activating the tests: The homework tasks developed were provided to the course participants on a successive basis. The activation of each individual unit that had to be worked on orientated itself on the contents taught in the tutorials. It always occurred after the same content-related course of a certain week had taken place. If there are any technical or content-related problems, questions or criticism then the students could at any time contact the supervising teaching assistant via e-mail.   
Currently there are 8 self-learning tests available that all contain between 10 and 15 questions. Thereby various different types of questions are used (Illustrations 1 - 5).

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Illustration 1: Test unit and exercise in Blackboard 

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Illustration 2: Testpool WS 2017/18

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Illustration 3: Question formats (true/false) 


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Illustration 4: Question formats (multiple answers)

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Illustration 5: Question formats (matching)

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Illustration 6: Example feedback test (test question) 

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Illustration 7: Example feedback test (essay question)

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Illustration 8: Blackboard grade center. Evaluation of the individual tests

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Illustration 9: Blackboard grade center. Evaluation of the individual tests (essay questions)
