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Deck of Cards
idBlackboard -Forumforum: EinsatzformenImplementation forms

idZu Beginn des Semesters
labelZu Beginn des Semesters

  • Introductory round
  • Clarification of seminar goals


  • Notice board for general information / creation of a FAQ list
  • Anonymous suggestion box for students
  • Collection point for questions that arise before office hours
  • Passing out worksheets, posting corrections/sample solutions
  • Supervision during an internship: Academic advice and exchange with other students
  • Practising the drafting of academic texts (simulation of the process "peer review")
  • Publishing student work and mutual feedback
  • Joint work on content or working on tasks whilst using the discussion forum with a subsequent presentation in a face-to-face session
  • Preparatory discussions for chat sessions
  • Role play (for/against):
    • Assigning roles to individuals or groups
    • Unifying these in the forum, virtual classroom
  • Tandem learning in language teaching
  • FAQ for the course: Posting answers to FAQs (reduction of the workload, increasing transparency) 

idZum Ende des Semesters
labelZum Ende des Semesters

  • Revision for exam preparation
  • Final course feedback

idZur Vorbereitung von Veranstaltungen
labelZur Vorbereitung von Veranstaltungen

  • Brainstorming (experiences made, opinions(, short contributions

  • Lecturer can take up opinions/questions/problems 

  • Collecting topics/discussion suggestions for the face-to-face sessions

  • Posting scripts/slides before the actual presentations

  • Collecting questions, problems (and maybe discussing these)

  • Giving a presentation as a keynote speech

  • Peer reviews of thesis papers, exposés

  • Undertaking research and providing the results so that they can be discussed

labelZur Nachbereitung von Veranstaltungen

  • Summary of the discussion in the face-to-face sessions by students and supplementing these by further internet sources
  • One-minute papers (students: feedback on the course, what was learned, supports the semester-accompanying evaluation; starting point for further discussions)
  • Continuation of open discussions/questions
  • Experts' forum for questions and answers
