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The course has two main aims. On the one hand, the students should deal with abstraction of facts in the therefore regarding fitting concepts and, on the other hand, learning to compare things in a proper manner based on available literature with regard   Die Veranstaltung hat zwei wesentliche Ziele. Zum einen sollen sich die Studierenden mit der Abstraktion von Sachverhalten in den dazu passenden vorhandenen Konzepten beschäftigen, zum anderen dabei auf Basis vorhandener Literatur zu einem jeweiligen Aspekt richtig vergleichen lernen. Darüber hinaus lassen sich darunter weitere Feinziele ausdifferenzieren: Einordnung und kritische diskussion von Literatur und Forschungsergebnissen, Aufbereitung von Erkenntnissen aus anderen Kontexten auf den Gegenstand Journalismus in Osteuropa bezogen, Vertiefung und Differenzierung von Grundlagenwissen aus dem Studium (z.B. Definition Journalismus).Dafür wurden einerseits in den Präsenzveranstaltungen Texte aus der Vorschungsliteratur vorgetragen und diskutiert und zum anderen darüber hinaus diskutiert, wie sich die jeweiligen Erkenntnisse auf den Seminargegenstand anwenden lassen. Der zu erstellende Blog diente dabei als strukturierende Grundlage der Diskussion: In einer Art Redaktsarbeit sollten die vielfältigen und ungeordneten Wissensbestände aus der Literatur sowie eigene kleine Forschungsarbeiten fokussiert für das gemeinsame Blogprojekt ausgewertet the respective aspect. In addition to this, further clear goals can be differentiated: Classification of and a critical discussion on lietarture and research results, preparing insights from other contexts for the object journalism in East Europe, deepening one's knowledge and being ale to differentiate it based on what one has learned during one's studies (e.g. the definition of journalism).  

For this, on the one hand, texts from the research literature were presented and discussed in the face-to-face sessions and, on the other hand, it was discussed beyond this how the respective insights can be applied to the object of the seminar. The blog that was to be produced served thereby as a structural basis for the discussion: in editorial work the manifold and uncategorized knowledge bases from literature as well as own small research work could be evaluated in a focused manner for the joint blog project.  


Course titleChallenges for Journalism in Eastern East Europe
Course typeSeminar
Department/InstituteInstitute for Media and Communication Studies
Course Degree programMaster Political Communication
LecturerIndira Dupuis
No. of participants13
PhaseIn every session a bit as well as in three sessions at the end of the seminar
Durationsee phase


  • Blog


The seminar started in a traditional manner with a reading part in which we dealt with journalism and its general challenges, especially in Eastern East Europe, all based on existing literature. The task here for the students was a classic one, presenting and commenting on the respective texts. Other than in a traditional seminar we discussed the contents in the face-to-face session, both in general as well as in alignment with the speakers' suggested structure (infos/perspectives of the text, relevant aspects, structure, content-related, what's missing, etc.) on how the text was to be published in the blog. In the second part the students that wanted to attain a graded certificate of participation presented a "best practice" example. Here one understands journalistic content that contains or will contain a content-related ambitious piece for the general public. This aspiration should be critically examined based on questions we worked out beforehand (goals, content, independence with regard to funding, etc.). The students subsequently prepare their research in the semester holidays for a longer contribution in the course blog (4500 words).   

As the acquisition of e-learning skills and not blended learning skills was the aim, there was only an online event focusing on the decentralized cooperation (penultimate session). 

Experiences made by the lecturer

Learning goals: Discussing abstract topics in a comparative manner, focus on current phenomena. Application-based reading of academic, abstract texts (transfer function). Editing these texts for the "editors' conference", i.e. for a joint blog in which the abstract content can be worked on so that it is generally understood and related to the issue being focused on. Writing a blog entry resp. two blog entries (technical and content-related design competencies).  
