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h2. Article

1.	Member States shall ensure that transmission system opera­ tors establish and implement a compliance  programme which sets out the measures taken in order to ensure that discriminatory conduct is excluded, and ensure that the compliance with that programme is adequately monitored. The compliance programme shall set out the specific obligations of employees to meet those objectives. It shall be subject to approval by the regulatory author­ ity. Without prejudice to the powers of the national regulator, compliance with the program shall be independently monitored by a compliance officer.

2.	The compliance officer shall be appointed by the Supervi­ sory Body, subject to the approval by the regulatory authority. The regulatory authority may refuse the approval of the compli­ ance officer only for reasons of lack of independence or profes­ sional capacity. The compliance officer may be a natural or legal person. Article 19(2) to (8) shall apply to the compliance officer.

3.	The compliance officer shall be in charge of:

(a)  monitoring    the   implementation   of   the    compliance programme;

(b)  elaborating an annual report, setting out the measures taken in order to implement the compliance programme and sub­ mitting it to the regulatory authority;

(c)  reporting to the Supervisory Body and issuing recommenda­
tions on the compliance programme and its implementation;

(d)  notifying the regulatory authority on any substantial breaches with regard to the implementation of the compliance pro­ gramme; and

(e)  reporting to the regulatory authority on any commercial and financial relations between the vertically integrated undertak­ ing and the transmission system operator.

4.	The compliance officer shall submit the proposed decisions on the investment plan or on individual investments in the net­ work to the regulatory authority. This shall occur at the latest when the management and/or the competent administrative body of the transmission system operator submits them to the Super­ visory Body.

5.	Where the vertically integrated undertaking, in the general assembly or through the vote of the members of the Supervisory Body it has appointed, has prevented the adoption of a decision with the  effect of preventing or  delaying investments, which under the ten-year network development plan was to be executed in the following three years, the compliance officer shall report this to the regulatory authority, which then shall act in accor­ dance with Article 22.

6.	The conditions governing the mandate or the employment conditions of the compliance officer, including the duration of its mandate, shall be subject to approval by the regulatory authority. Those conditions shall ensure the independence of the compli­ ance officer, including by providing him with all the resources necessary for fulfilling his duties. During his mandate, the com­ pliance officer shall have no other professional position, respon­ sibility or interest, directly or indirectly, in or with any part of the vertically  integrated   undertaking   or   with   its   controlling shareholders.

7.	The compliance officer shall report regularly, either orally or in writing, to the regulatory authority and shall have the right to report regularly, either orally or in writing, to the Supervisory Body of the transmission system operator.

8.	The compliance officer may attend all meetings of the man­ agement or  administrative bodies of the  transmission  system operator, and those of the  Supervisory  Body and the general assembly. The compliance officer shall attend all meetings that address the following matters:

(a)  conditions for access to the network, as defined in Regula­ tion (EC) No 714/2009,  in particular regarding tariffs, third party  access services, capacity allocation  and  congestion management,   transparency,    balancing    and   secondary markets;

(b)  projects  undertaken  in  order  to  operate,  maintain  and develop the transmission system, including interconnection and connection investments;

(c)  energy purchases or sales necessary for the operation of the transmission system.

9.	The compliance officer shall monitor the compliance of the transmission system operator with Article 16.

10. 	The compliance officer shall have access to all  relevant data and to the offices of the transmission system operator and to all the information necessary for the fulfilment of his task.

11. 	After prior approval by the regulatory authority, the Super­ visory Body may dismiss the compliance officer. It shall dismiss the compliance officer for reasons of lack of independence or pro­ fessional capacity upon request of the regulatory authority.

12. 	The compliance officer shall have access to the offices of the transmission system operator without prior announcement.



{tip:title=Quelle und Stand des Gesetzes}
[Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC|]\\
Date 21.10.2011.