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Course Description


This is the second course from the series of three courses Topology I—III. This course will cover
  • CW-complexes
  • Singular Homology and Cohomology with applications
  • Homology of CW-complexes
  • Basis Notions of Homotopy Theory



  1. Allen Hatcher: Algebraic Topology, Chapter I. Also available online from the author's website 
  2. James R. Munkres: Topology, Prentice Hall 
  3. Marco Manetti : Topology, Springer
  4. Stefan Waldmann: Topology (An Introduction), Springer
  5. website
  6. Wolfgang Lück: Algebraische Topologie, Homologie und Mannigfaltigkeiten; Vieweg.Klaus Jänich: Topologie, Springer-Verlag





ContactOffice Hours:
LecturePavle Blagojević blagojevic(at)math.fu-berlin.deWednesday after lectures
TutorialJonathan Kliemjonathan.kliem(at)fu-berlin.deMonday after tutorials




Tue10:15 - 11:45SR 007/008, Arnimallee 6
Wed10:15 - 11:45SR 007/008, Arnimallee 6


