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Gerätemodul Definite Focus von Carl Zeiss erleichtert Forschung ...


Altensteinstr. 23a, 115.4

Responsible persons & booking:

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.


  • Advanced imaging of fluorescent samples e.g. stained cells or tissue
  • Wide-field epifluorescence microscopy
  • Bright-field microscopy incl. phase contrast

Technical Details

  • Inverted microscope
  • Mercury light source and filters for blue, green, red, dark red
  • Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20, 40x, 63x (oil)
  • AxioCam MRm monochrome CCD camera
  • Motorized scanning stage
  • Colibri LED light source: 400, 530, 625nm
  • Axiocam 105 color CMOS camera
  • Temperature control
  • Zeiss ZEN software with additional modules e.g. quantification, tile scan



Serial No.: 3834002456

FUB Inventory No.: 72000007620

Safety Operation Instruction (German):


  • Keine Stichwörter