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Process of Setting Up and Carrying Out an Exam Review

The exam review can take place in either EEC or at home. If you decide to have an exam review for your students, please contact us regarding a possible appointment, since the center should be reserved beforehand.

The exam review at home is done by the students in the Safe Exam Browser (close book format) or in their own default browser (open book format). In either case, the same login data for the exam is used.

Notice: If you decided to have an exam review session, please inform us as soon as possible about the desired time slot for in-person reviews or the format (safe or default browser) for home reviews. If needed, student accounts can be edited accordingly.

After receiving the login data, you can pass this to your students so that they can log into the system. Instead of the Zedat username, only this specific login data would be accepted by the system.

Below, you will see how to personally and easily set up an exam review in the platform:

1. Log into the the platform, select "Licenses" in the upper bar, and find the exam for which you want to set up a review.

2. On the right, click on the gear sign for the selected exam.

3. Select the third tab, "Report Folders" and tick off the "enable report folder download for candidates". Below that, enter the start and finish (time and date) of the review session in the two boxes.

4. On the lower right side of the page, save the changes.

5. Now the exam review would be activated in the selected time slot.

Exam Review for the Students in the Safe Exam Browser

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