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To get access to the booking system OpenIRIS, follow step-by-step the pdf protocols:

  1. Register to FUB IRIS.

  2. Join your reseach group.

  3. (Only for use of the Optical Micrscopy unit) Submit a request to use the Optical Microscopy (detailed protocol: Get access to Instruments of the OM (Optical Microscopy) Unit).

  4. Book instruments in OpenIris webpage according to the protocols (a) Booking of BA (Biolab) Instruments, (b) Booking of OM Instruments or (c) to get info about the instrument booking of other units or groups refer to the BioSupraMol provider page or contact the respective group personally.
  5. (Optional) You can also submit service requests e.g. request material/compound testing in the Biolab (detailed protocol: Booking service measurements).

For more information check also the overview pdf Using OpenIris and the BioSupraMol Booking and BA Provider webpages.

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