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Location: Altensteinstr. 23a, 115.6, 115.7 (S2 Biolabs), 114.0

Responsible persons & booking: 

Elisa Quaas, phone: 63652, mail:

Tatyana Povolotsky:

Robyn Diehn:

115.6 (bacterial lab):

Bench-top incubator Binder in 115.6: no booking is needed, please DO NOT change the temperature.

Bench-top shaking incubator Stuart in 115.6: no booking is needed, please DO NOT change the temperature or shaking speed.

Shaking incubator New Brunswick  Scientific in 115.6:

115.7 (big lab):

Bench-top incubator Heraeus in 115.7:

Bench-top shaking incubator Stuart in 115.7: 

114.0 (big lab):

Bench-top incubator drying and heating cabinet in 114.0: 

Detailed information and protocols how to use OpenIris you find here.


  • Gain permission to work in the Biolabs by follwoing the How-to-Start procedure.
  • Get an introduction to the device by the responsible person (see above).
  • Incubators must be cleaned once a month.
  • DO NOT change the temperature (37°C) or shaking speed → if you need another temperature or shaking speed, use the bookable incuabtors and book in advance, put a note on the outsude and inform other users.
  • Incubators must be cleaned once a month with water and soap and wiped with ethanol


  • Cultivation of bacteria or samples under controlled temperature conditions (37°C) with and without shaking


Serial No. & FUB Inventory No.

Bench-top Binder in 115.6: Serial No. FUB Inventory No.

Bench-top shaking incubator Stuart in 115.6: Serial No. FUB Inventory No.

Shaking incubator New Brunswick  Scientific in 115.6: Serial No.:  FUB Inventory No.: 124331 (Charite)

Bench-top incubator Heraeus in 115.7: Serial No. 92108215, FUB Inventory No.

Bench-top shaking incubator Stuart in 115.7: Serial No. FUB Inventory No.

Bench-top incubator drying and heating cabinets in 114.0: Serial No. FUB Inventory No.

Safety Operation Instruction (German):

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