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  • Christina, Teresa, Saloni, Joachim, Mathilde

When: 5-7pm

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

Moderation and Minutes

  • Saloni & Teresa


  • event September 26 (Mathilde) "Building tools for the future of making and sharing science" - sharings and comments

  • Claudia and Christina had appointment with the President on Sept. 9 - How did it go?
    • Claudia Müller-Birn I met the president for lunch. He connected me with Beatrice Gründler has the person in charge. I will meet her next Thursday. I hope I can provide further information after the meeting. 

  • (Christina) Structure of the Wiki - Meeting Minutes on seperate pages?
    • Claudia Müller-Birn  I did it in order to ensure that each page can be directly linked from the Website. Please check out the corresponding pages in the Wiki.

  • Website - Information needed.
    • Claudia Müller-Birn Open question: To whom should I connect my student for explaining the general website structure? Thanks.

  • update NSF proposal – Dirk?

  • Reminder: METAxDATA lightening talks on October 15 at BIH Quest Center and Unconference on 16th

  • Planning and moderation of next organizational meeting?
  • Keine Stichwörter