Wiki-Introduction "How to produce a Video-Interview"

What's that - a Wiki? A Wiki is a tool to develop content together. Every team has an own page.

But first, you have to know, how to get in:

  1. You got your FU-User-Account
  2. Go to
  3. Push the button "Login"
  4. Push the button "Login mit FU-Account"
  5. Enter your User-Name and your Password
  6. Push the Link "Projekt Andere Bilder" on the right side

First you can change the language under "Persönliche Einstellungen" on the top of the screen: You go to "Einstellungen", push "Bearbeiten", change "Sprache" into "English".

Welcome to your Wiki!

On the right you find the wiki-pages, now the page "Home" with an introduction, an overview of your working groups and links to instructions with regard to the wiki and the content. Below you see actual messages, the wiki-navigation and the overview of the recently changed pages.

On the left you find a sidebar, which does not change mostly:

Below "Add Content" you can create new pages, news and attachments

Below "Browse" you can navigate inside the wiki, between pages, news or attachments

Below "Navigation" you can see the structure of the wiki-pages

Navigate to the page of your working group!

Two Possibilities: a) In the middle of the sidebar or b) in the center of the page "Home".

Now you see the actual "View" of your page.

With "Edit" you can modify your page. There is the user-friendly "Rich Text"-Mode, the possibility to "Preview" your changes and "Wiki-Markup" to modify your page in the wiki-language, which is relatively easy to learn (by doing it). The Notation-Guide can help you.

With "Comments" you can comment the content and work and exchange opinions.

With "Attachment" you can add files like pdf-files.

On the page of your working group you find for inspiration a rudimentary structure with some headlines and subpage-links in a list.

Questions, Feedback und Blog

On the page "Feedback" you can ask questions with regard to the wiki and the project and give suggestions for future courses.

The wiki consists also of a blog for all course members. Here you can publish News, which affect all, e.g. the state of your work. To do this, you have to push the link "Add news" below "Add content"

This should be the relevant functions. Try it out and much fun creating your content!"

Thomas Kluge, Wiki-Editor

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