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Welcome to BMPedia!

The 10 First Steps guide will help you to decide what you can or should do here.

For more advice, please leave a comment.

For general questions, please refer to the FAQ or place your question there.

10 First Steps

1. Register

Fill in the form on the start page and submit it. You should soon receive a personal eMail from me (tsieber) with your login details.

2. Log in for the first time

Please navigate to the gray horizontal menu at the bottom of the page. Under Your Account click "Anmelden". On the following page you need to specify your account type. Click the lower green button for Lokaler Login and enter the login details provided in the registration eMail. Finally, click Anmelden to log in.

3. Change preferences

To change language settings, navigate to the gray horizontal menu at page bottom. Under Your Account click "Einstellungen". You will be directed to your profile page. At the top of the page click "Profil bearbeiten", on the left hand menu click "Allgemein", from the pull-down menu next to "Bevorzugte Sprache:" select your preferred language, finally click the "Speichern" button. Now you should be able to navigate the site on your own.

4. Change password

It's important that you change your password upon your first login. On your profile page click "Edit Profile" in the top menu, then click "Password" in the left hand menu.

5. Your profile

Within your profile you can also change your displayed name, your eMail address and add a personal photo.

6. Your personal space

Maybe you noticed this link on your profile page. Your personal space is, in essence, your own wiki. You have your own mainpage, you can add subpages, share contact information, meetings you will attend, projects you're working on or you can prepare and test wiki articles within your space.

To get started, you should add some information about yourself.

7. Look around

Through working on your personal space you already gained some experience. Next you can explore the wiki and see what's going on and what's lacking.

8. Edit pages

You will certainly discover small mistakes. Feel free to correct them instantly. You are always welcome to fill a gap with your knowledge.

9. Watch pages

If you discover pages of which you would like to receive update notifications, go to the gray menu at the bottom and click the little envelope icon under Other Features.

10. Come back

The most valuable thing you can do is to actively contribute. In other words, return often, leave your comments and suggestions, edit pages, add new pages, write, correct, and do whatever you enjoy.

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