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Role of BMPs in tissue homeostasis. This article may overlap with Development.

This article is a work in progress.
Please add questions to be answered within the article or literature to be used.
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How do BMPs maintain homeostasis?

Which BMPs, receptors and signaling cascades are involved?

Give examples and, if applicable, link to in depth articles within the wiki regarding respective proteins and pathways.

Suggested literature to fill this chapter and its subpages:

Iron-induced expression of BMP6 in intestinal cells is the main regulator of hepatic hepcidin expression in vivo. [Ref]

BMP Signaling Induces Cell-Type-Specific Changes in Gene Expression Programs of Human Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts. [Ref]

Review: Extracellular microfibrils: contextual platforms for TGFbeta and BMP signaling. [Ref]

Review: Cell responses to bone morphogenetic proteins and peptides derived from them: biomedical applications and limitations. [Ref]

Review: The role of bone morphogenetic proteins in articular cartilage development, homeostasis and repair. [Ref]

Review: Bone remodeling. [Ref]

Review: BMP signaling and skeletogenesis [Ref]

Review: Bone morphogenetic protein signaling in joint homeostasis and disease. [Ref]

Review: Bone morphogenetic proteins in development and homeostasis of kidney. [Ref]

Review: Regulation of bone morphogenetic proteins in early embryonic development. [Ref]

Further reading:

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