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The Institute, Research Profile and Networking with other Institutes

The Institute of Sociology is located at Garystraße 55 in Berlin-Dahlem. The nearest subway stations are U-Bahnhof Freie Universität or U-Bahnhof Oskar-Helene-Heim (U3).

The core research areas of the Institute of Sociology are international comparisons, especially of European societies as well as the analysis of transnationalization and Europeanization processes.

Four different research groups exist within the Institute:

Besides the four research groups within the Institute of Sociology, there are also sociological units within other Institutes of the FU with whom the Institute of Sociology maintains a close cooperation. These include:

Beyond internal cooperation, the Institute of Sociology also collaborates with the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW).

Members of the Institute, moreover, are involved in the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script" (SCRIPTS), the "Centre for Civil Society Research", the DFG (“German Research Foundation”) Research Group "European Socialization Processes", the Special Research Field (SFB) "Affective Societies - Dynamics of Living Together in Moving Worlds", the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS).

To follow the Institute’s research activities, regularly visit this website. In the news section, current events and publications by the members of the Institute are posted. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Furthermore, the Institute of Sociology maintains a blog, which aims at presenting short abstracts of master’s theses written within the master’s program “Sociology – European Societies”.

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