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Warm-up (not mandatory): 
“Are you aware of the story of Robin Hood and its characters?”

“How would you act out the characters?”

Target group and Time

These games are most suitable for children who are familiar with the story of Robin Hood. One round with instructions takes about 5-10 minutes.

Learning objectives

The idea of the games is to help the students to understand the storyline of Robin Hood.

In addition, the students have to get creative by acting out the story or the different characters. It’s also a good way to become more aware of themselves.

Instructions to set up the activity

Before placing the games, the teacher can help by showing them what to do. So for example the teacher says Robin Hood and acts it out with a bow and arrow, whereas Lady Marian would be acted out with a dress or a love symbol.

  • The teacher can simply start with getting the students to walk around the room and act out some characters. So, if the teacher says Robin Hood, everybody is going to act it out, eventually in a different way. After a short freeze the students start walking again until the next character is told to be acted out.


  • If you, as a teacher, want to work more specific on the play Robin Hood, you can ask the students to briefly act out the storyline of the play. So, who is going to be which character? What are they doing in the story? What is the beginning and what is the end of the story? Start acting it out!

  • If you want to focus on specific scenes of the play, you could also divide the students into groups and ask them to work on these specific scenes of Robin Hood.


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