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Bacillus cereus


Bacillus cereus (Frankland and Frankland 1887):
DSM 31,
ATCC 14579,
CCM 2010,
LMG 6923,
NCBI 9373
NCTC 2599

Characteristics e.g. sensitizing or toxic effects, resistance to antibiotics

Approved as biological safety measure if taken as recipient organism for genetic engineering?

Genetically modified (GenTSV)

Risk group (BioStoffV)


Risk assessment


Biological agents that can cause human disease and might be a hazard to employees; they are unlikely to spread to the comunity; there is usually effective prophylaxis or treatment available.

Note T:

Toxin production: prokaryotes capable of forming exotoxins. The "T" tag lays no claim to completeness, however, i.e. exotoxin-forming strains may also arise in types of prokaryote without this tag. The "T" tag adopted over from Annex III of Directive 2000/54/EC.

Note TA:

Types of which strains are known which have been handled safely over many years in technical applications. These proven strains can therefore be assigned to risk group 1 according to the classification criteria. The "TA" tag lays no claim of completeness, however. Strains with the features of "TA" may therefore also arise in species not bearing this tag.

Storage location of aliquots in the Biolab (just click Bearbeiten in the right corner of the header to add or change information in the table and use the menue in the left header to e.g. add a row)

sourcefreezing dateamount of bacteria  per vialstock was produced onno. of aliquotsbelongs to
(full name)

rack/box in N2 tank or -80°C freezer and  location (room, address)


Cultivation and freezing protocols

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