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To browse, use the navigation bar to the left ("Blättern"-"Seiten").
To search for keywords/tags, use the navigation bar to the left ("Blättern"-"Stichwörter").
To add pages of your own, see below.

How to add a page:

1. Get access permission from the administrator.
2. Copy the content of "Template"
after going into the markup mode on that page.
3. Return to the "Database" because new data pages will be created subordinate to your present position in the hierarchy).
4. Click "Add page".
5. Name the new page according to the naming convention (Sample Identifier, short description).
6. Switch to the markup mode and paste the template in your new page.
7. Replace the marked texts with your information; add proper keywords.
8. Save the page.
9. Check if everything looks consistent.

If you are experiencing problems feel free to contact the page administrator.

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