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Ooid Sand, Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA


South coast of Great Salt Lake

Unknown macro: {table-cell}



South coast of Great Salt Lake; Saltaire Beach Resort near exit of I-80; 40º44'51.98"N,112º11'16.92"W

Depositional facies

Low energy beach; possibly episodical reworking in small beach dunes


Local shallow water formation; precipitation of CaCO3 in evaporatively oversaturated water through microbial participation; input of crystal nuclei through eolian or fluvial processes


Carbonate envelope around a detrital nucleus


High textural maturity: very well sorted and rounded, high sphaericity (partly elongate-ellipsoidal), whitish surface, fine sand (160 to 250 μm)

Petrographic thin sections:


Radial and tangential aragonite needles, detrital crystal nuclei, mostly mono- or polycrystalline quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase or peloids; few sparry fragments of recrystallised ooids


Bright field

Unknown macro: {table-cell}

Dark field

Sample number



Christoph Heubeck, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, FU Berlin

Date of sampling



Texturelle Reife nicht durch Transport, sondern durch Bildungsbedingungen. Wachstum erst in der Wassersäule, dann möglicherweise Fortsetzung am Grund. Ansammlung durch Strömung und Wellengang in seichten Buchten. Vorkommen von Radial- und Tangentialooiden.

Satellite image on Additional data page

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