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A game in which a group of players have to mime an 
action in a specific way according to a given adverb.

The game can be used for various themes and topics.

In this case the topic was farming. The activities were things that the farmer does.

(e.g. activity=watering the plants  adverb=angrily) 

Another player or a pair of players has to guess either the adverb or the action.

Target group and Time

8+ years of age for 10-30 min.

Learning objectives

Players are called to understand the meaning of the adverb and remember events or processes so as to create an accurate mime that will help their classmate to guess either the adverb or the action.

The individual player will have to carefully analyse the mime so as to remember the adverb or action represented and make a correct guess.

Instructions to set up the activity

Players are given a set of adverbs (‘fast’, ‘slowly’, ‘nervously’, ‘enthusiastically’, 
etc.) according to their language level and the teacher makes sure their 
meaning is clear to them. Then a number of actions are taken from a content 
unit of the subject and they are described. The more adverbs and the more 
actions there are, the more challenging the game will be. In every round, one or two
players have to leave the classroom while the rest are preparing to act.

The actions and adverbs can be written down on a sheet of paper with a picture next to them to help the students during the activity.

Letting it run

The players in the classroom decide on a specific adverb, e.g. 
‘angrily’. Then the player who is outside comes in and asks the 
group to perform an action related to the unit, e.g. ‘The farmer is watering the plants’.

The group starts watering the plants in such a way as to help the player 
guess which adverb they had selected.

Source and further explanation: Müller et al. (2015: 132), playing CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning 
Inspired by Drama Pedagogy
 eBook_AF_17-12-web.pdf (

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