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Cell Line



Source/Company and accesion number (article number)

Usage Regulation and Limitations

According to MTA: 

How to cite

Tissue/Cell type

Genetically modified (GenTSV)

Risk group (BioStoffV), sensitizing or toxic effects

Risk assessment

Storage location of aliquots in the Biolab (just click Bearbeiten in the right corner of the header to add or change information in the table and use the menue in the left header to e.g. add a row)

sourcefreezing datepassage no.cell count per vialcell culture medium incl. supplementsno. of aliquotsbelongs to
(full name)
rack/box in N2 tank or -80°C freezer and  location (room, address)



Cultivation and freezing protocols

Data sheets, further information

Version Veröffentlicht Geändert von Kommentar
AKTUELL (v. 2) 26.06.2024 11:44
v. 6 26.06.2024 11:43
v. 5 26.06.2024 11:41
v. 4 26.06.2024 11:39
v. 3 26.06.2024 11:36
v. 2 26.06.2024 09:50
v. 1 25.06.2024 13:57

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