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Cell Line

Hep-G2; HEP-G2; Hep G2; HEP G2; HepG2; HEPG2



Tissue/Cell type


Genetically modified (GenTSV)

Risk group (BioStoffV)


Storage location of aliquots in the Biolab (just click Bearbeiten in the right corner of the header to add or change information in the table and use the menue in the left header to e.g. add a row)

sourcefreezing datepassage no.cell count per vialcell culture medium incl. supplementsno. of aliquotsbelongs to
(full name)
rack/box in N2 tank or -80°° freezer and  location (room, address)


Mivenion (DSMZ)17.12.2015p30
DMEM5Katharina Achazi (Paul Hillmann)03/07, N2 tank, (SupraFab, Altensteinstraße 23a, 114.1)something dirty inside the vial, maybe contaminated???
Mivenion (DSMZ)29.04.2014px+2

3Katharina Achazi (CK)11/07, N2 tank, (SupraFab, Altensteinstraße 23a, 114.1)
Mivenion (DSMZ)



6Katharina Achazi (CK)11/07, N2 tank, (SupraFab, Altensteinstraße 23a, 114.1)

Cultivation and freezing protocols

  • Keine Stichwörter