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all Biolab rooms, 1 per workspace

Responsible Person:

Stefanie Wedepohl, Phone 59721

Elisa Quaas,


These devices help aspirate, measure and dispense aqueous solutions with plastic or glass pipettes of 1-100 mL volumes.


  • If in the Biolab - users must gain access to the Biolabs by attending the Biosafety Instructions (→ Katharina Achazi)
  • The person who introduces you to the lab space can show you how the device is operated, otherwise ask the technicians.
  • Preferentially use pipets that have a cotton plug on top to prevent accidental aspiration into the device
  • if liquid accidentally entered the device, immediately disassemble, clean and exchange the filter. Replacement filters are in the drawer in E002. Refer to the manual how to do that.



Serial No.:                       

FUB Inventory No.:      

  • Keine Stichwörter