Location: Altensteinstr. 23a, 115 (S2 Biolabs)

Responsible Persons & Booking:

Johanna Scholz, phone: 71087, mail: johanna.scholz1@fu-berlin.de

Latifa Abadel, phone: 69995, mail: latifa.abadel@fu-berlin.de

Katharina Achazi, phone: 59145, mail: katharina.achazi@fu-berlin.de

Stefanie Wedepohl, phone 58721, mail: stefanie.wedepohl@fu-berlin.de


  • Gain permission to work in the Biolabs by follwoing the How-to-Start procedure.
  • Biological ssamples potentially infectious need to be lyophilized in an extra liyo chamber with filter membane accrding to the SOP for lyophilisation of muucus and the safety operation instructiuon (see link below).
  • Get an introduction to the device by the responsible person (see above).

Type of Measurement:

You can Lyophilize biological samples like mucus.


Serial No.:

FUB Inventory No.:

Safety Operation Instruction:

see BAs Devices

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