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How to Contribute

If you wish to contribute to the project, you can do so in the following ways:

1. Write a Comment

Use the comment function to add, expand or critizise existing texts. You will find the "comment"-button at the end of all country reports and other texts. If you are not a registered user yet, your Texts will be marked as written by "anonymus", so unless you wish to be anonymus, be so kind as to leave your name in the ende of your commentary. Or register as a user (see How to Register).

2. Write a New Country Report or Additional Text

To create a new page got to the page Country Reports (if you want to add a country report) or Additional Texts (for everything else) and click "Add Page". If you are not a registered user yet, your texts will be marked as written by a certain "anonymus". To change that, you need to register.

Alternatively you can simply email us your text and we put it online. See Contact.

2.1. Guidlines for Country Reports

A country report should illustrate the specific understandings of the Rule of Law in reference to the particular legal and constitutional discourse of the country. The reports shall be brief and informative (round about 10.000 characters, three pages). In order to manage the inconsistency of the relevant literature and to achieve comparability, it seems reasonable to ensure the structural consistency of the country reports by using a template. See Template for Country Reports.

2.1. Guidlines for Additional Texts

The country reports are complemented by comparative analyses that develop further materials from political and cultural sciences (round about 30.000 to 40.000 char-acters or 10-12 pages). The texts may either be cross-country comparisons of legal systems and re-ports on cultural areas, e.g. "The Rule of Law in Constitutions of Countries with an Islamic cultural background" or "The European Understanding of the Rule of Law". The texts may also compare the development of the idea of Rule of Law form a cultural or philosophical historical perspective.

3. Modify or add to existing Text

All country reports and additional texts can be modified and/or expanded to by everyone.

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