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Welcome to the course website! The lectures on Discrete Geometry I are taught by Günter M. Ziegler. The tutorials are held by Albert Haase. If you have any questions, please ask us during class or email us!



TUE 10:15 - 11:45

Arnimallee 6 Room 007/008

WED10:15 - 11:45Arnimallee 6 Room 007/008



 Office Hours:
LectureProf. Günter M. Zieglerziegler(at)math.fu-berlin.deTBA
TutorialAlbert Haasea.haase(at)fu-berlin.deTBA

Tutorial and Exercises

WED14:15 - 16:15Arnimallee 6, Room 031

In addition to the lectures there will be a weekly tutorial. In the tutorial, we will occasionally review topics from the lectures but mostly discuss and solve exercises. Each week every student is asked to turn in solutions to a set of three or four exercises that will appear on this website in form of an exercise sheet. The exercise sheets will be uploaded on Wednesdays and should be turned in before the second lecture on the following Wednesday. Please bring them with you to the lecture and hand them to Professor Ziegler by 10.15 AM. You will receive points for solving each exercise based on whether your solution is correct and well-written.

Course requirements are the following: (1) You must score at least 60% of the sum of the maximum number of points of all exercises. In other words, it is ok to score less than 60% on an exercise sheet as long as you reach 60% of the total points by the end of the semester. (2) You must pass an exam at the end of the semester. Details about the nature of the exam will be discussed as we go along.

Exercise Sheets

You are encouraged to work on exercises together. However, please turn in one solution set per person.

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