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Short info

The Corpage reference corpus is comprised of semi-directed, face-to-face conversations in French (approx. 144 hrs of audio media recordings) between an adult and a very old healthy subject living at home (> 75 years old).

Jeanne – … et anorexique je ne parvenais pas à le retenir / j’ai / alors je pense à quelque ch/ je pensais à anus (rires) / comme c’est quand même le tube digestif hein qui est en bas (rires) et ça va depuis lors je n’oublie plus (rires) et encore l’autre jour aussi un mot / tiens je ne sais p/ tu vois / si / j’ai / j’oublie certains mots / ’fin / je retombe dessus après hein…  

(ID code: ageJM1; Pseudo: Jeanne; Age: 90; Source: Corpage 2012; Task 1 Line life; Time code: 1:13:10)


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Short info

The CorpAGEst multimodal corpus is comprised of interviews with elderly subjects living at home or in a residential home. It is comprised of transversal and longitudinal audio-video data (about 37 hrs of video recordings). Learn more about this project from

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Short info

LangAge corpora are comprised by three series. LangAge 2005 is composed of 56 biographical interviews. The interviews were audiorecorded (*.wav), transcribed and annotated (~350.000 tokens). In 2012, 35 participants were re-contacted and participated in a second series, repeating the original interview design. Following a new design including topics of language attitude and personality traits, the third study of 2015/2016 included 40 participants, more than the half of them making part of the original sample. The publication of authorised interviews + transcripts is in preparation (131 interviews).

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Click here for the CLARe3 poster presentation

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