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Chapter 1: Introduction & Historical Overview

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    Chapter 2: LBC (Lebanese Broadcasting Corperation)

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      Chapter 3: Future TV

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        Chapter 4: MTV (Murr TV)

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          Chapter 5: Al-Manar

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            Chapter 6: OTV (Orange TV)

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               Youtube Link



              Chapter 7: New-TV (Al Jadeed)

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                Chapter 8: NBN (National Broadcasting Network)

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                  Chapter 9: Tele-Liban

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                    Chapter 10: Outro

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                      Additional Sources & Learning Material


                        Are Lebanon's media fanning the flames of sectarianism?

                        Politics have become so divisive in Lebanon that the national media council chief urged the media in January to curb "tense rhetoric" that could instigate violence among the country's religious sects [...]. So what are the media up to? Are they guilty of fanning the flames.

                        -Arab Media and Society Website:

                        Cochrane, Paul (2007): Lebanon’s Media Sectarianism. In Arab Media & Society No. 2, May,

                        Link to full article

                        Lebanon's Media Battle
                        Media were at the forefront of Lebanon’s bloodiest infighting since the civil war,relaying the heated words of politicians while beaming out propaganda thick and fast [...]
                        -Arab Media and Society Website:

                        Cochrane, Paul (2008): Lebanon’s Media Battle. In: ARAB MEDIA SOCIETY No. 6, Fall

                        Link to full article










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