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Welcome to AREACORE’s online learning platform about international media systems!

About: The platform provides visual material about media systems in the Middle East and Europe, researched and compiled by the leading Communication Studies Institutes of the respective country.

Content: You can watch a complete movie of each country (45 min) or navigate between chapters such as „media history“, „legal framework“, „ownership structure“ or „social media“ (each 3-10 min). In addition, you can read the script of the lecture in Arabic or English and find literature references and charts for further research.

Producers: The platform is compiled by member institutes of AREACORE – The Arab-European Association of Media and Communication Researchers . Content has been produced by students and lecturers of the member institutes and is meant to be complemented by further videos and additional material. It is sponsored by the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service.

Use: Everybody who is interested in learning more and who teaches about international media systems is invited to use the material of this platform. It can be shared under a Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC. There are several options to use the material:

  •   individually as a starting point for research
  • as a complete course
  • comparatively in a course unit (e.g. “Compare ownership structures in Arab countries!”)
  • as a basis for co-taught courses in two or more institutes (e.g. Egypt and Germany)


Explore different Media Systems



The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) was founded in 2013 at the end of a workshop hosted by Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with DAAD Germany.

The association’s goal is to strengthen and expand horizons among Arab and European scholars in the field of communication.

The reasons for founding this association fit into the broader framework of de-westernization attempts, while also allowing for dialogue to take place on an equal footing. The authors invite all interested communication researchers to join the network and build up an Arab-European network of communication studies expertise.

Currently, its institutional partners include Cairo University in Egypt, Université La Manouba in Tunisia, Qatar University, Sana’a University in Yemen, Birzeit University in Palestine, Bayan College in Oman, and the American University in Beirut, Lebanon.



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