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Welcome to AREACORE’s online learning platform about international media systems!

About: The platform provides visual material about media systems in the Middle East and Europe, researched and compiled by the leading Communication Studies Institutes of the respective country.

Content: You can watch a complete movie of each country (45 min) or navigate between chapters such as „media history“, „legal framework“, „ownership structure“ or „social media“ (each 3-10 min). In addition, you can read the script of the lecture in Arabic or English and find literature references and charts for further research.

Producers: The platform is compiled by member institutes of AREACORE – The Arab-European Association of Media and Communication Researchers . Content has been produced by students and lecturers of the member institutes and is meant to be complemented by further videos and additional material. It is sponsored by the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service.

Use: Everybody who is interested in learning more and who teaches about international media systems is invited to use the material of this platform. It can be shared under a Creative Commons License CC-BY-NC. There are several options to use the material:

  • individually as a starting point for research
  • as a complete course
  • comparatively in a course unit (e.g. “Compare ownership structures in Arab countries!”)
  • as a basis for co-taught courses in two or more institutes (e.g. Egypt and Germany)


Explore different Media Systems



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