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Just as the name suggests, this game relies on improvisation. It requires quick thinking, acting skills (to a certain degree), and lots and lots of movement. It is best played in a group of three.

Target group and Time

This game can be played with students from the 6thgrade and up. Depending on the set of language skills, it can be rather simple or quite complex (and even melodramatic). The premise of the game is elaborating on one idea. Therefore, the participants have to be able to understand the word/phrase directed at them, as well as the principle of the  given word/phrase. Therefore, it is not well-suited for language beginners.

 As the game is played in a group of three, it takes about 10 minutes until everyone has had a chance to play.

Learning objectives

The object is to warm up the students. By introducing movement and creative thinking to the classroom, the students have a chance to wake up, get ready and be focused for the English course. It also helps the students express themselves in different ways, thus playing on the different strengths of each individual student. Moreover, the game allows the students to demonstrate (and enforce) their knowledge on certain topics.

Instructions to set up the activity

  • The teacher divides the students into groups of three
  • The teacher gives a topic (e.g. How to react to danger)
  • The teacher explains rules of the game

  1. One person of a group names a topic related to the topic
  2. Another person then creates a phrase with the given word
  3. The third person has to act out the phrase
  4. Once done, another person gives another word, and the game goes on until each person has played all three roles of the game.

  • The students disperse across the classroom and start playing the game

Letting it run

The game heavily relies on the students’ capability to improvise. While some are quick to react, others need time. Here, it would be important to give the students enough time to finish their turns. It is a marathon, not a sprint.

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