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CLARe3, FU Berlin, March 6–8, 2017 – International Conference

Encounters in Language and Aging Research: Pragmatic Spaces, Longitudinal studies, Multilingualism

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Peter Backhaus (WASEDA University, Tokyo): Communication in institutional eldercare: A Japanese perspective R. Harald Baayen (Universität Tübingen / University of Alberta, Edmonton), Susanne Gahl (University of California, Berkeley): Twenty‐eight years of vowels: An investigation of changes in vowel formants and vowel duration in the Up corpus Heidi E. Hamilton Georgetown University): Language, dementia and meaningmaking in art galleries and homes: Objects of joint attention as resources for transforming knowledge, building topics and lifting spirits Yoshiko Matsumoto (Stanford University): Being ordinary: A powerful narrative strategy when feeling vulnerable Heather H. Wright (East Carolina University): Discourse Changes with Age: Considering microlinguistic and macrolinguistic processes.

  Freie Universität Berlin [Read more ...]

Corpora in Language and Aging Research

The Corpora for Language and Aging Research initiative (CLARe) aims at exploring language in later life through the glasses of linguists working on authentic language data.

The group has been created at the initiative of Catherine BOLLY and Annette GERSTENBERG in April 2014.

Marie-Thérèse De Lava Fund 2015

Prize attributed to Dr. C. T. Bolly for research into ageing and quality of life of elderly people (King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium, 25,000€). Host institution for the Prize: Université catholique de Louvain.


CLARe2: International Workshop December 7–9, 2015
Language Use in Later Life
, University of Louvain (Belgium)

With the participation of leading experts in the field, the workshop aims to focus on the theoretical implications of empirical work as conducted by CLARe's projects, in order to develop the outlines of future collaboration in this young but cutting-edge domain of research in linguistics and aging. [Read more ...]

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