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This task is supposed to teach students how to use their bodies to act a scene and it can be perfectly used as an ice-breaker for the beginning of the session

Target group and Time

This task is for students from grade five and older. It also works well with young adults. It’s about 5-10 Minutes long.

Learning objectives

At first glance, this task might seem a little violent. However, it has never led to any violent acts by the students. On the contrary, they usually have more energy after the task than before, and they get aware of how they can use their body to show actions on stage.

Instructions to set up the activity

Before starting the game the teacher could do a short warm-up with the students. After that the students are supposed to come up with an individual superpower they know from a movie or something similar.

As a next step, they should make a short movement that symbolizes their superpower (it is important to say the name of the superpower while they act it out.)

Now the student form two lines facing each other so that every student has a partner in front of him/her.

Finally, by using their movements, the students are supposed to ‘kill’ each other. Thestudent opposite to the one who used his/her superpower will perform an emotional and tragic death that ends with him/her lying on the floor (This is not supposed to look real; it is more about exaggerating and getting rid of fear and feeling embarrassed).

Repeat this task a few times and let the students switch their partners

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