In February 2017 the website went online. It offers an overview of e-learning material at Freie Universität.

Over 150 material files – e.g. online learning modules and courses, wikis, digital scripts, recordings of lectures, teaching/learning videos, electronic worksheets as well as image and video collections – are interlinked here. In addition to references to freely available resources it also contains references to documents and videos within the LMS Blackboard that can only be accessed with the needed codes. The material is sorted according to subjects and departments and includes numerous additional information. With this, members of the university as well as external users can get a good overview of what is available and contact the relevant lecturer or staff member.

The website was initiated by the Executive Board of the Freie Universität and was created by the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) in cooperation with the Press and News Office of the Freie Universität. It is continuously updated. Still, we need your help: Do you know of any other digital teaching/learning resources at the Freie Universität or have you yourself created content and material that isn't listed here? Do share this with us by writing an e-mail to

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