A. EU Energy Legal basis


According to Art. 4 para. 2 i TFEU the European Union shares competence with the Member States in the field of energy law, therefore it is subject to the principle of subsidiarity. 

Article 194 TFEU has introduced a specific legal basis concerning the energy competence of the EU law. Before the entry into in force of the Lisbon Treaty, there was not an express and independent provision. Although the absence of the legal basis, this competence has been exercised through Art. 95 TEC (now, Art. 114 TFEU), in order to create an internal market in the electricity and gas sectors.

B. New Energy Policy aims


Union policy on energy shall ensure security of energy supply in the Union, promote energy efficiency, energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; finally it shall promote the interconnection of energy networks. These aims shall be achieved regarding the establishment and functioning of the internal market and, on the other hand, the need to preserve and improve the environment. 

These European energy policy measures have been implemented according to the ordinary legislative procedure, after the consultation of the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.      



Publication Note

Responsible: Marta Gervasio, Carlo Attardi, Louis Rivera
Authors: Marta Gervasio, Carlo Attardi, Louis Rivera
Stage of work:

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