

  • Cosima Wagner
  • Malte Henningsen
  • Anne-Kathrin Brandau
  • Sibylle Söring
  • Angieszka Wenninger
  • Claudia Müller-Birn
  • Christina Riesenweber
  • Martin Lee
  • Dirk Ostwald

When: 5-7pm

Where: University Library, Garystraße 39, Room 163 (1st floor)

Moderation & Minutes



  • Reports from past events / open science related developments:
    • Open Access Week 21- 27 October 2019 : Christina moderierte Diskussionsveranstaltung TU "Zukunft des Publizierens" (Open Access Verlage) Open Science Radio (→ Hörempfehlung!) . Themen Bibliodiversity ist wichtig, nicht alles in öffentlicher Hand lassen (Verbot von Themen - Gender - in Ungarn), Universitätsverlage allein können nicht die Antwort sein.
    • Open Hardware Workshop 22nd October : Betitelung evtl. nicht so ideal, "open hardware" evtl. zu unspezifisch, besser Plattform nennen, "do it yourself"
    • Library Carpentry / Software Carpentry as OS best practice example... LINK →Hacky Hour @ FU ?! cooperation with CMB informatics (student initiative watching computer science movies, e.g. Weizenbaum movie "Plug & Pray"...)?
  • Upcoming events
    • Berlin Oxford Open Research Summer School 2020 in Berlin (September 2020), ca. 60 participants, 1 week, Psychology, Life Sciences focus, how to open up for other scholarly communities?  co-organization with FU OS working group? Yes! OSWG would like to contribute to program planning → Dirk asks organizors in Oxford about FU venue . Possible venues: FU SEminarzentrum, Holzlaube FB GeschKult meeting room, CMB institute?
  • WG OS website (Layout, Content, Usability, CC-Licence HCC-Lab Publishing Policy):
  • Discussion of the blogpost I hate open science ( → Please read the text before our meeting!
  • Next event January, 9 2020, 17h: Planning public events in 2020, person in charge: Christina

  • ...
  • Keine Stichwörter