When? Thursday, April 2th 2020, 5pm-7pm

Where? Online Event.

What? Presentation and discussion of practices of Open Science and Open Scholarship at Freie Universität Berlin and cooperations

Who is invited? Everyone who wants to learn more about Open Science, discuss their own ideas and meet other people of Freie Universität Berlin who are interested in Open Science & Open Scholarship.

Do you want to present your work? Please contact  agnieszka.wenninger@cedis.fu-berlin.de

Opening remarks: Dirk or Agnieszka can give an intro (slides are avaliable at: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xUksWtp3X6uX1GXcnGv2yy4N-0pL_Vl80X2UGh9m-vk/edit?usp=sharing)

With contributions by:

  • Olga Makarova (Department of Veterinary Medicine) on "Fighting antibiotic resistance with knowledge and open science - in classroom and beyond" 
  • Sabina García Peter and Kathrin Ganz  - (Critical) Practices of Open Science and Open Scholarship in Gender Studies (Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum)
  • Sascha Eckhold (UB/CeDiS): OER as a part of "Open Science Lifecycle

RSVP - who will be there?

Can't make it - who of the group won't be there?

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